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There is a cowtale which since the beginning and for a
long time was only shared by and only told amongst
the cows themselves. The cowtale speaks of the time
when God was still busy creating Heaven and all that is
under it.  Because God is God, God created a perfect
cow meadow.  After a while, God ended up regretting
to have overdone it.  To make amends, God created
moomoocow and stuck moomoocow in the cow
meadow.  moo moo moo.

Healing, Restoring and Repairing.

Tikkun Farm, a 3.5 acre farm in the neighborhood of Mt. Healthy in Cincinnati, intends to be a place of
healing, restoration and repair cultivated through meaningful work and spiritual practices.

Tikkun is a Hebrew word meaning “repair” or “restore”. The phrase Tikkun Olam captures the collective
life purpose of the Jewish people to “repair the world”. This phrase has many layers of meaning from
personal healing to global reconciliation, but at it’s core it means to join with God in repairing what has
been broken: lives, buildings, the land, relationships, villages and nations, bodies, etc. The work of
repair also shows up in the bible in Isaiah 61 which begins with God’s promise to heal to God’s hurting
people, but goes on to say that those healed will become healers… “repairers of the walls” and the
“restorers of the devastations”.

Mary Laymon and Greg York bought the former dairy farm in 2010. While they are slowly repairing the
buildings they have welcomed people to live in community on the farm, offered land for Bhutanese
refugees to farm, invited local non-profits to meet in the farmhouse, offered a maker space to refugee
and immigrant women for fiber arts projects, hosted an after-school cooking program for underserved
neighborhood youth, hosted retreats & workshops, served community meals, taken in animal rescues,
welcomed a local drum circle and offered spiritual direction.

They long for Tikkun Farm to offer many kinds of healing and repair. We hope a person who finds
shelter at Tikkun Farm may come to know the truth that they are Beloved. For more information contact
Mary Laymon.